Rex Style Blog | Know Your Roll: 3 Ways To Rock Your Button Up

Posted by Jonathan Boston on

Same shirt... 3 different looks.  We've got you covered, King.  As the seasons change, ensuring that you're stylish and still weather appropriate becomes more important.  With that said, we felt it our duty to assist in the transition from full on business to happy hour or from business casual to partially party. Unless you're carrying a change of clothes, we've got a few tricks up our sleeves to keep your attire atmosphere appropriate.  See what we did there??  Let's get rollin' 

Basic Roll (👈🏾🎥)
1/2 of the arm - The Basics
Master Roll (👈🏾🎥)
1/2 of the arm - Contrasting Cuff Appeal
AIFA (👈🏾🎥)
1/3 of the arm - Rule Of Thirds
We hope this has helped alleviate the angst that comes with the inevitably changing seasons.  Besides that, it's 2020.  You never know. 
All due respect and gratitude to the exceptionally talented D. Epps of Epps Graphics for using his art to capture ours!  
As we move forward on this journey to create pieces that make our clients feel like royalty we continue to learn and grow.  As we learn, we style, we share.  
-Team Rex
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